What to Expect During a Session
Each session focuses on one or more of the 7 Aspects™ of Horse and Human Transformation. Individual sessions focus on a specific area that the client wants to address, while group sessions have a more general focus, allowing each person to receive messages unique to their circumstances. In either case, sessions follow the same basic structure. Sessions begin with simple exercises to help us shake off the cares of the world and get ready to approach the horses with open hearts and minds. These may include anything from active games to quiet meditation, with the intention of focusing our minds on our intentions for the session.
EPALA™ is an educational approach, so there will also be some conversation to provide information that will be useful during the interaction with the horses and lots of opportunities to ask questions. These first steps are “setting the stage” for the horses to teach us.
After the preparation steps, it’s time for individual interactions with the horses! This could be things that sound simple, like walking up to the horse, grooming, or inviting the horse to follow you around the arena. However, things at InterMission™ always have layers of meaning, so we will be doing these “simple” activities in ways that help us develop skills that will transfer to other areas of our lives. For instance, walking up to a horse also requires noticing how the horse reacts to our presence, non-verbally asking permission to enter their space, and showing respect for their boundaries! Here is where the horses do their magic. Our job is to make sure everyone stays safe and to be open to whatever messages the horses have to teach.
Finally, we will wrap up with a chance to discuss what happened in the session and what lessons were learned. Often, I will be learning right along with you because the horses can teach on so many levels at the same time! Of course, there’s always a chance to unwind a little and say goodbye to the herd before leaving.
Because each session builds on previous experiences, we recommend you commit to at least four sessions to really get a sense of the powerful learning that the horses can provide.
If you are currently working with a therapist who is interested in adding this modality to your program, please contact us to discuss options for integration.
Our Services
- Service Information
30 min
1 hr
125 US dollars$125
1 hr 30 min
190 US dollars$190
1 hr
150 US dollars$150
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